
LED照明のパイオニア「レベリック」 先進のデジタルネットワークを駆使し、流行に左右されない高品質・高品位のLED照明をご提案しております。
Company Name LEVELIQQ Corporation
Location Ginza GT building 5th Floor,
2-14-2 Ginza, Chuo-ku,Tokyo, 104-0061, JAPAN
TEL: +81-3-3248-1990
FAX: +81-3-3248-1991
Capital 20,000,000 JPY
Established June 2011
CEO, Representative Director Shinya Abe
Banker Mizuho Bank Ltd.
Shimbashi Chuo Branch
Products & Service -Development, manufacturing, sale, and construction of LED lighting and related equipment
-Manufacturing, sale, and installation of wind power generation system
-Development, designing, sale, and construction of solar power generation system
-Planning, research, and consultation on energy saving
-Planning, development, designing, manufacturing, sale, and construction of energy-saving facilities and equipment
